Endowment 2024
The Endowment Committee invites you to prayerfully consider applying for an endowment grant to serve Christ’s work in our neighborhood and our world. This fall we’ll be awarding grants to fund your ideas for serving God and our neighbors. Grants will be available from the FILC General Endowment Fund, designated for Evangelism Outreach, Social Ministry Outreach, and Building Improvements. Additionally, funds will be available from the Doris Palmblad World Missions Endowment Fund, designated for ministry and service activities outside the United States.
We ask our members and ministry groups to actively pray, plan ahead,
and talk together about creative and faithful ways to use these funds.
Download the application form and instructions at the links below.
Applications are due by October 1 for review and approval.
The grant funds, ranging in size, will be awarded in November.
Please speak with an Endowment Committee member to learn more about the process.
Your FILC Endowment Committee: Marja Selmann, Bobbi Varnes, Judy Wick, Chris Wiens, Pr. Scott Dunfee
Please send completed applications to [email protected] or mail them to the church office.