TO WORSHIP ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Each week we celebrate Holy Communion together (please have ready some form of bread and wine/juice).For services onSunday morning, click this NEW link to join via Zoom, which opens 15 minutes before worship. If you’d like to phone in for audio only, dial 253-215-8782 (Tacoma) and enter new codes Meeting ID: 928 3473 9164 Passcode: 147351.
Worship bulletin for this Sunday, Feb. 9, is here.
First Immanuel on YouTube First Immanuel's YouTube channel features Sunday services streamed LIVE and recorded for viewing at any time. Link to FILC channel HERE.
Recent sermons: Pr Scott's sermon for Feb. 9 video here Pr Christine's sermon for Feb. 2 video here Pr Christine's sermon for Jan. 26 video here Pr Scott's sermon for Jan. 19 video here Pr Scott's sermon for Jan. 12 video here Pr Christine's sermon for Jan. 5 video here Pr Scott's sermon for Dec. 29 video here Children's Christmas Program from Dec. 15 video here Pr Christine's sermon for Dec. 8 video here Pr Scott's sermon for Dec. 1 video here Pr Scott's sermon for Nov. 24 video here Pr Christine's sermon for Nov. 17 video here Pr Scott's sermon for Nov. 10 video here Pr Christine's sermon for Nov. 3 video here
We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation. Together, in our diversity, we seek to embrace the love of God and welcome ALL people in Christ Jesus.
Sunday parking is readily available on the street, and also permitted at Les Schwab, Ferguson Appliance, and ARC Printing. SUNDAY WORSHIP with Holy Communion EVERY Sunday at 11 AM (10 AM June-July-August) followed by Coffee Hour! YouTubeLIVE SUNDAY SCHOOL for kids 3 & up at 10 AM, meets twice monthly in Sodergren Hall(2nd & 4th Sundays) ADULT FORUM CLASS 9:30 AM-10:30 AM (Sodergren Hall Library & on Zoom) CONFIRMATION certain Sundays after church, contact office for dates BELL CHOIR PRACTICE 6 PM Thursdays CHOIR PRACTICE 7 PM Thursdays ALL are Welcome for BOTH Choirs!!
"A Welcoming Community, Centered in Christ's Love, Joyfully Reaching Out Together"