Whether you simply enjoy coming for self-reflection and to find peace on a Sunday morning or want to actively take a role on a committee or event, there is a place for you here at First Immanuel! Throughout the year and during the church seasons, we offer a variety of opportunities to be involved in our community.
A few ways you can share your time & talents:
A few ways you can share your time & talents:
- Be part of our Community Outreach.
- Host coffee hour or provide flowers for the altar
- Be a musician in our vocal or handbell choir
- Join a committee that reflects your passion or skill set
- Be involved with our children's programs or adult learning classes
- Be a Sunday usher, greeter, assisting minister, or bake bread for communion!
- Use your green thumb to help beautify our grounds & gardens
- Help serve the needs of one of our Ministry Partners
- Attend a Fellowship Event or book group
- Assist in our prayer shawl ministry or tied fleece blanket project
- Make a Gift to support the life of First Immanuel
Let us know what your interests are and how we can help you serve!